1 year Anniversary Redeemer Grace
One year ago on Sunday 15th March 2015 Redeemer Grace Church opened her doors to Geneva. Holding our first public worship gathering, celebrating with hope and expectation and sincere belief in Jesus`calling, we prayed the ancient prayer of Moses recorded in Psalm 90.
May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendour to their children. May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.
One year later; it’s truly astounding as we look back to see how God has heard and responded to our prayers. The story of our church has been building for years before that March day. We first gathered as a small group of 8 in the Parkes’ apartment in Versoix. Shortly after we moved to a bigger apartment in Founex. Who can forget how hospitable the Hess family was, as they welcomed and served us amazing coffee and cake each week. That experience crystallised for us the kind of homely community we are creating.
Over the last year we have been on a beautiful journey. God does indeed do great things today. We have seen the presence and the power of God transform lives. We have seen those far from God experience His grace and publicly proclaim their love and devotion to Him. We have wrestled with what it means to join God in the renewal of this great city.
We have seen people who were once strangers learning what it means to be a family. The fact that we are brothers and sisters despite our cultural differences is a testimony to our culture, and shows that the church is not a program or an event but a people.
In the book of Acts it describes the church as being “one in heart and mind”. In a powerful way that is becoming the story of our church.
We have tasted the fruit of God`s fame and deeds being renewed and known in our time. We are humbled and amazed and yet we are not satisfied. We are more hungry and passionate than ever before. We have moved past asking what if; we have assurance that the hand of God is upon us.
We have laughed together, cried together, prayed for jobs together, celebrated together and said good-bye to so many great friends. All this in our first year.
And so at His invitation we gather again. We do so as people who relate around the table.
We feast together, we study together, we serve together and we take the Lords table as one.
Looking back at the favour of God over the last year, increases our faith and hope for the next year. Our prayer for the next year is the same as the first:
May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendour to their children. May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.
MAY the church once again spread in our time, through the gift of love. That the city of Geneva can say of the Church. “ SEE HOW THEY LOVE ONE ANOTHER.”
Thank you for beginning this journey.!